Bitey-Bitey PN

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PCRN 1ZZ, Pitcairn Islands
Kontakter telefon: +64
Latitude: -25.062043, Longitude: -130.1064491
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Kommentar 5

  • Camilo Mazo

    Camilo Mazo


    Great place to eat after some cave exploring. They hire castaways and ship wreck survivors to help them fund their improvised boats, which is nice

  • Jacob McGee

    Jacob McGee


    bitey bitey and bop bop are rocks off shore, a lot of history on the island, a lot of killing here and historical points of death!

  • Carmen Fortea

    Carmen Fortea


    We had a great time here after our plane crashed. Made lots of lifelong friends with the other survivors. Saw a giant polar bear too! 10/10 Would recommend!

  • bjgentile



    Be very careful of the infestation in here. it's so bad, I lost a limb in here

  • IV317



    This is where the boss fight for King Bitey is. Make sure to stock up on stim packs. There will be a pile of bones in an open, foresty area that, when you get near, will start a cutscene to begin the fight. Watch out for the tail swipe and when he jumps in the bushes, run to the center. 5/5 boss fight. He dropped les miserable for me, a powerful shotgun with bleeding.

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