Christian's Cafe i Adamstown

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Adamstown PCRN 1ZZ, Pitcairn Islands
Kontakter telefon: +64
Latitude: -25.0672493, Longitude: -130.0981685
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Kommentar 5

  • Camilo Mazo

    Camilo Mazo


    Super cozy and low key. The heaven cake was out of this world, literally! The Russian fight club at night was disappointing though, they seemed way more interested in their fantasy teams for the World Cup.

  • Loic Lassere

    Loic Lassere


    Best bar in town! (Only bar in town)

  • Scott Woods

    Scott Woods


    The dessert cakes are a little too sweet, every keeps talking about their coffee, but their tea is what you really have to get! Ricardo is amazing at knowing the area as well. I suggest the christian pie if your grabbing a bite!




    Place is so good, I travel to it every morning just for the coffee. Problem is, the trip back home is so long that I arrive at night and therefore miss work. Hmmmmm... Or maybe that isnt a problem at all?

  • Bryan Rekowski

    Bryan Rekowski


    Took me a few hours to make it past the hill of difficulty after checking out the Wreck of the HMS Bounty but I eventually got there. Some guy called me Christian when I walked in which I didn't think was funny and had to keep telling him I'm Jewish. The scones were really good and the coffee not bad. Kind of taken back when the place turned into a Russian night club after 7pm but the cat photography on the wall was wonderful.

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