Post Office i Adamstown

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Adamstown PCRN 1ZZ, Islas Pitcairn
Kontakter telefon: +64
Latitude: -25.0662824, Longitude: -130.1004655
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Kommentar 5

  • BossOfAllGreats Official Channel

    BossOfAllGreats Official Channel


    Great post office.

  • Camilo Mazo

    Camilo Mazo


    Not a convenient location, who thinks of putting a post office right at the end of hill of difficulty street? Not cool.

  • Miro Toivonen

    Miro Toivonen


    Good way to mail some cocaine to Us because heres no police 👍🏼

  • Tanak Nandu

    Tanak Nandu


    No major courier service delivers to or from here... Pretty much DIY. 2 stars because I got my package after getting mugged, even with no local police in town.... It was easy because there were only 60 people on the island and I had a $2 eBay knife on me

  • Robin Weber

    Robin Weber


    Best way to mail your friend on the other side of the island to come over! I prefer smoke-signs because they're easier and more common

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