The Bounty Anchor Hotel i Adamstown

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Hill of Difficulty, PCRN 1ZZ, Adamstown, PN Pitcairn Islands
Kontakter telefon: +64
Latitude: -25.0682486, Longitude: -130.0975787
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Kommentar 5

  • Camilo Mazo

    Camilo Mazo


    Way better than the official, plus it's at the start of hill of difficulty, so quite a good deal!

  • Brandon Phillips

    Brandon Phillips


    If you go to this island you raise the population by 2 percent.

  • Calum Binmore

    Calum Binmore


    i came here with eight mates for a stag do, drinks were flowing, things were gettring frisky when they told us, 10 oclock curfew. luckily loads of penguins came out in the morning with greeno, the prersident of this quaint island

  • Tom Connors

    Tom Connors


    Horrible sand in my bed I had sheets with urine still in them like how do you expect to sleep in a bed with piss in them just stay away

  • Revan The Dragon

    Revan The Dragon


    Bounty Anchor? More like booty anchor. Got my first wife here. And my second. And half of a third one.

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